Wednesday 19 September 2012

Andrew Goldie 2 / 攝影藝術家

© Andrew Goldie

Before I go into the Japan Panorama series, I found this stunning image from artist Andrew Goldie’s website. This image carries a two-folded wonderment about the human mind and human’s place in the universe; the image represented the particular moment where something can mean “either-or”: is she about to throw herself off the cliff, or is she simply trying to appreciate a moment of solitude? Andrew’s work is about the universe and mind and the push and pull of balance – which is something I found very exciting, exhilarating and even inspirational – as human construct our civilisations, we need to be aware that we are still living inside a much larger and unfathomably complex universe.

Andrew once told me there is a “split between the primeval mind and the freshly born consciousness that seeks to control and order so that the primeval mind will not consume us.” When one come across an artwork like this, it is beyond beauty that you can appreciate – it take your mind to a journey and encourage you to think or reflect, and that’s why I like Andrew’s art.

在我寫Andrew Goldie的Japan Panaroma系列之前,我必須提一提在Andrew的網站,我發現了一幅可說是震撼的新作。相中人是想着跳崖?還是嘗試走近崖邊享受片刻的孤獨?意味著一個人外在內在兩折的的平衡,宇宙和心靈的推與拉的雙重意義和感受。Andrew曾經告訴我,他希望作品能夠看透頭腦意識和原始本能在一個人生命中的拆分,推與拉的雙重意義:他認為這種拆分和推與拉是保衛我們不會自我消耗的一種自我保護式。我非常喜歡這個概念。
